Posted by on Jun 7, 2017 | 12 comments


Just practicing on elastic for when I CATCH THAT RAT!!!

Well, the poor little Bolt may have to go to a turtle reserve, much like the one near our little town called Vallee des Tortues, which is a wonderful place to visit (the day mama and papa took the little anthros, it was mating season–a lesson for all when you think about turtles and how they make more!).

But mama thinks a low frame with hinged top made of good strong mesh would take care of Bolt and he could graze and splash in a little shallow bowl and not worry about predators.  We’ll see. If the vet feels it’s okay, then maybe we have a go-ahead.

If I were there I would keep watch for that ratty rat and he name would be FANGO (mud, in Italian).

More on Bolt’s plight later….


I’d give that rat what-for!!! POW! POW!