Posted by on Mar 28, 2014 | 0 comments



Oh, boy, are we having winds!!! Mama had planed to start her plants of Big-Leaf Basil, VF Roma tomatoes, Tiger-Striped zucchine, Long-storage tomatoes, Short and Sweet Carrots and more and today was just not the day for that.

She put the seeds for each one in a little glass of warm water to get an early start tonight and tomorrow she is planting, come hell or high water.  Both of which just might arrive if she doesn’t get to play in her garden soon!

Meanwhile, I know what to do with weather like this and I’m not about to venture out into that garden with turbulence like this.  Even the windows are rattling—even the skylight is rattling and it’s pretty well anchored.

So here I go.  Am I the only sane kitty around here?  There is only ONE recourse on days like this.

