Posted by on Jul 15, 2018 | 7 comments


So, when I put in that link to anthros and the lengths they go to for their “pets” (read: family members), did anyone think that they might be, some of them at least, OUT OF THEIR MINDS?  The anthros, that is, NOT the animals!  That article cracked me up!  Maybe they should add plastic fur-gery to the list, haha.


I have to say, there were things that anthros pushed upon their pets that they wouldn’t even THINK of doing for one of their own little anthros!  That’s what was so funny.  And in the Mojo book about how to live with us, there was a certain place that mentioned that dressing up some animals could possibly make them feel a little silly.  I mean, you wouldn’t dress your pet mouse in a cat suit, right?  And for some reason, it’s really hard for me to imagine a doggy, say, like Marcus the Funny Farmer, in a pink tutu, oh, boy.


Still…Mya’s mama mentioned, after having read that article, that Mya might not be too unhappy with a testicle transplant.  Mya lifts her leg to pee and mark spots, just like a male, haha.  I hope she doesn’t mind my telling tales out of school, but she’s a very tough little cookie and that serves her well.  Uh, oh, I said, “cookie”…


The garden is almost smooth.  I’m still workin’ on the mulch but it is responding nicely.
