Posted by on Jun 21, 2013 | 1 comment

I, for example, love roses…

I was perusing  a book review over mama’s shoulder this morning, as I often do after kibble, about a study of female anthros and their sexual behavior and whether they are as lusty as male  anthros, maybe more so, and I started thinking: kitties are not exactly monogamous, when you get right down to it, but then again, kitties are not going up in rocketships or managing billion dollar hedge funds either.

However, mama knows people who stay together a very long time and she has known people who split up after a few years, sometimes ONE year in a particular case, and she knows men who look over their wives’ shoulders (I mean, how tacky can you get—a wife right in the room!) and women who bat their eyelashes at papa and usually she just walks right up the unsuspecting female who’s doing that and makes instant friends, sometimes for life! And she and papa got married for a reason, after seven years, mind you; they didn’t just jump into bed and then say, let’s get hitched; they actually gave it some thought and felt married in their souls long before some piece of paper made it legal.

So mama tells me that this guy says women can have lots of men over and over, thus ensuring that they get kitties and continue the species, but of course men can run around leaving calling cards all over the place, too, thus ensuring the species, but SOMEONE has to look after the kitties that are the results of all this running around and guess who that is, more often than not? The female, that’s who.

She’s the one with the built-in kibble, after all, and she’s the one, I believe way down in my little kitty soul, who has the tools to get her kitties raised so that they can go run around and continue the species, and yes, of course, the males help and provide and have learned to be house daddies (sometimes…) and enjoy knowing that their bloodlines are in the future scheme of things, but I have observed often through our little garden fence by which many visitors walk that men pushing strollers look a bit baffled by it all, not to say bored or simply wanting to be elsewhere, whereas the mamas look thoroughly involved and do a lot of tending to of diapers, food, sun screen, you name it and I wonder if sometimes they think they might have missed something by not staying single a bit longer and checking out the scene a few more times….

Enough of my wandering mind…there are those born to marriage and monogamy, I think, and I heard papa talking to mama just this morning and both of them saying that all the sexy women or men in the world, all the distracting temptations one might run into in a life, are but a tiny speck compared to the intimacy and good times and conversations and the KNOWING of another person (also in the biblical sense!) over many years of being together and discovering what it is to build a relationship that gives such joy every day.

As far as females being as lustful as males, of course they are (hello—were the 60s just a pipe dream?)—and even better equipped for it, really, but maybe females just have more things they want to do than lie around having orgasms all day or being femme fatale conquerors 0f unsuspecting male anthros.

And this study I’m reading was taken from anthropologists, psychologists, oh…and a DOZEN women were interviewed, mama said. And she asked, “How can you base anything of this nature on only twelve women’s info anyway? And how do you know they all didn’t nudge the truth around a little bit, huh? Twelve women do not a survey make.”

Anyway, kitties think sex is a private matter and anthros are going to marry or not marry or screw around or not screw around or have kitties or not have kitties and no one on earth is going to change any of it anyway (well, not until there is one of those little blue pills for female anthros, haha).

And my mama and papa get married again a little bit each day, just in different ways, and it works for them just fine.

And certainly for ME.
