Posted by on Dec 12, 2016 | 6 comments


Well, as you can see.  I did my job.  Mama’s feeling much, much better.  Of course that beef broth I made for her didn’t hurt either, with a little leftover chicken thrown in for good measure, along with some fennel, zucchine, potato, carrot and celery.  Oh, and a little tiny hot pepper, always good for colds.

So now we are almost back to normal, if anything is ever normal around HERE!  This fireplace, for example.

This is NOT A FIREPLACE. It is a CD mama downloaded for papa for Christmas two years ago because it was way, way cheaper than trying to build a fireplace, haha.

So when they put it on, and it crackles, too, we all feel a little warmer even if we are not.


The one nice thing about getting colds TWO weeks before Santa or Hanukkah is that you probably won’t have one then and you can enjoy that Nip Nog and those Kibble Cookies or a Mistle Margarita in our case, haha, without coughing all over everyone and sneezing into the grog.

Not that we would do that anyway.  Cover the cough, napkin the nose and wash the hands is what my mama’s mama said, and that seems to be the best insurance.  That, and having me around to keep everyone in line.

Put on those mittens, mama. 

You’re going to need another sweater, papa, under that jacket.

MAMA, don’t think you’re going out of here without boots, are you nuts?


Wait a minute.  You have another chore for me?  Fuggedaboutit!

I’m outta here…
