Posted by on Jul 13, 2016 | 8 comments


I’m going to write all my friends out there one by one, Swiss kitties, bunnies, 15 meowing kitties, the whole Funny Farm, my aunties, Mya, that bad doggy down the street (the exhibitionist!), a couple of kitties in Devon, that kitty who loves water, and Ellen, and mama’s sister, and papa’s ex, and the Island kitties, and Karen, and Dezi, and Raena Belle (yes, Dezi, even Raena), and if I have overlooked anyone, you can bet your paws you’ll get a hello as soon as I fix that!

Well, one of our friends, Mya’s mama (Mya was the cutie in the stroller yesterday, not her mama, haha), sent this comment to my blog, and thank you Mya’s mama.  It is from Charles Blow, a very good journalist for The New York Times:

When we all can see clearly that the ultimate goal is harmony and not hate, rectification and not retribution, we have a chance to see our way forward. But we all need to start here and now, by doing this simple thing: Seeing every person as fully human, deserving every day to make it home to the people he loves.

And he means, black, white or rainbow-colored!  Each of us can touch someone every day by just being kind.  By reaching out to email our friends and family, even if you have little to say.  Mama learned long ago to really just go for it if you have an opportunity to see someone and are hesitating, because that person might not be there the next time you wish to reach out to him or her. Remember in the blog that talked about Fellini and how mama interrupted his after-dinner coffee to say thank you for the inspiring films he had made.  He was so very pleased, and two months later was gone for good from the film world, from our world.


Say hello, mean it, love your feisty family members (haha–you may be one of them!), love your kitties and doggies, love your neighbors (well, try to like them at least, even if they are selfish egomaniacal users like Dezi’s; how about ‘tolerate’ your neighbors?). Leave little notes around the house for your partner, write letters to newspapers, laugh as much as you can about things that appear un-laughable-at-able.  Hey, I couldn’t figure out how to say it!

I laugh whenever I can at the funny, astounding, and often idiotic antics of anthros.  Well, that was some good alliteration!

And let’s all make it home to the people we love and help others to do that, too.


Hey, laughter is the best kibble!