Posted by on May 1, 2016 | 16 comments


Led Zeppelin goin’ at it.

Well, I hope mama doesn’t trade me in for a 3-year-old rock and roller.

This kid is absolutely amazing, plus she dances, too!  Hey, but what about a song with “CAT” in it?  “Black Dog” is one of Led Zeppelin’s best, supposedly, but I think they should give more attention to four-footed-furry kitties, who, clearly, know more about rocking and rolling than any other species.

I think.

Who is Led Zeppelin anyway?

(I clearly gotta get more…er… with it.)


Hey, just practicing my steps, okay?



And by the way, this is May Day and I hope you are draping your kitties and doggies with garlands and dancing around the May pole.  Mama used to leave baskets of flowers on neighbors’ doorsteps.  Alas, no longer, but she is weaving a little flower crown for my head and we’ll take a turn around the garden together.


On second thought, I want to practice more steps.  You gone on, mama. (I’m not wearing that crown, no way, no how.)



Goodbye, William…