Posted by on Apr 29, 2016 | 17 comments


Well, I don’t get any of this, that’s for sure! Hmmm…maybe I do.  They are still not here. and I think there is an opened one in the fridge. HAH!

Well, here we are. This is my 1000th blog and it’s funny, I don’t feel much of anything other than that ubiquitous phrase, “tired but happy”.

Actually I am not really tired. As you well know, cats are never actually TIRED, but only give that impression so as not to be bothered with mundane conversation, chores around the house, scooting out of the way of lumbering anthros and so on, and so they find the best place to stretch out and dream and go over the myriad brilliant thoughts in their tiny but powerful brains.

Right now, I am just getting over the fact that my blog entitled “Countdown” was not that blog at all, but a previous blog written heaven knows when about company coming, and the REAL blog is now on the internet in its correct form with a lovely flower from Maui as the start-up photo. If you have not read THAT one, the real one, you may wish to take a look. If not, so be it.

Meanwhile, I actually DO have to rest now that this blog-trauma is over because I guess I am actually a little tired.

A little.

But very, very happy. THANKS TO GURU ANDREW who added an ‘s’ and solved the glitch.

Mean, while, bon nuit…


Wow, those bubbles really go to one’s head, don’t they?


Goodby to Cinco and sadness for the family.
